Sunday, May 31, 2009

Preserving Traditional Midwifery

Welcome to the beginning of the advocacy group: Preserving Traditional Midwifery in Idaho.

For any of you that are not aware, House Bill 185 was passed into legislation in Idaho. The bill has made it mandatory for all Midwives in Idaho to be licensed. (This bill does not apply to Certified Nurse Midwives)

At first glance, the idea of Midwife licensure seems benign and sounds like it would be a good idea. But this is not the case. The bill in effect has put all but a select few of Idaho's Midwives out of business. This bill has also restricted the practice of Midwives in a way that has taken away the rights of Idaho's women and families to choose where and how they want to bring their children into this world.

Time and time again, the government passes laws and imposes restrictions and regulations all in the name of our safety. Yet, what people fail to realize is that, in the name of our own safety, our rights are slowly being taken away. By passing this bill, our Senators and Legislators are telling us that we are not responsible enough to make our own decisions when it comes to childbirth.

This bill affects each and every Idahoan. It will forever change the nature and availability of Traditional Midwifery in Idaho.

It is unfortunate that House Bill 185 passed and licensure, as of now, will be mandatory starting July 1, 2010. However, we are determined to make our voices heard and to repeal this bill, reclaim our rights, and Preserve Traditional Midwifery in Idaho.