Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Hey all, the new website that is up and running, but still being constructed is

It is just in it's very beginning stages, but there is a lot to come.

Support is still growing and there are a lot of people working on getting this midwifery bill repealed or ammended.

If you would like to be a part of preserving our rights and preserving midwifery, please let us know.

Together we will make the difference.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Thank you to all that have been so helpful in getting the ball rolling....and rolling it is!

Please continue to pass on this information to all of the people you know that want to stand up for their rights.

Preserving Traditional Midwifery in Idaho is growing everyday. More and more people are coming forward and stepping up to the plate to make their voices heard.

It is so encouraging to talk to people that realize the Idaho Midwifery Legislation is not in the best interest of the midwifery community as a whole. It serves a select few and lays the rest to waste.

I recieved an e-mail from a midwife that practiced in another state that passed midwifery legislation. This midwife expressed that she wished she could have "seen into the future" at what the legislation was really going to do to midwifery. She also stated that if she could go back that she would have never gotten her license and would have instead, "fought however she could" to keep it from passing. She didnt' realize that in passing the legislation they were giving up their GOD given rights.

Idaho midwives are going to realize the exact same thing a few years down the road when reality sinks in and they see firsthand that this legislation is going to irrevocably damage midwifery.

If there are midwives from other states that would like to share their before and after legislation stories, I would love to hear from you.

Our group, Preserving Traditional Midwifery in Idaho will be holding it's first get together in August. As soon as all of the details are worked out I will let you know. We are very excited to have this "ice breaker" event and look forward to seeing and meeting all of you.

I will leave you today with this quote:

The future depends on what we do in the present. - Mahatma Gandhi

This is so true. We are the creators of our future by our actions today. So take action and create what you want in your future.

Friday, June 19, 2009



As defined, the word interpretation means:
An explanation of the meaning of something, an object such as a work of art, a performance. Making ideas more understandable or expressing ones' own understanding of something.

Religious literature is a great example of where interpretation has led to many a heated discussion as well as full on battle over differing opinions derived from interpretation of the content of the text.

In the case of the Idaho midwifery bill, interpretation of the stated intent of the law is very different for people on opposite sides of the issue. The legislative intent of the Idaho midwifery bill as stated directly at the beginning of the bill says:
LEGISLATIVE PURPOSE AND INTENT. The legislature finds and declares
that the practice of midwifery has been a part of the culture and tradition of Idaho since before
pioneer days and that for personal, religious and economic reasons some Idaho citizens choose
midwifery care. The purpose of this chapter is to preserve the rights of families to deliver their
children in a setting of their choice, to provide additional maternity care options for Idaho’s
to protect the public health, safety and welfare and to provide a mechanism to assure
quality care.

After reading the purpose and intent, it sounds as if our legislators and the midwives supporting this bill really do have our best interests in mind. Even the content of the bill could lead some to believe that it parallels the stated intent.

But, that all depends upon how you interpret the content of the bill.

Within the Idaho Midwifery bill, in plain black ink on white paper, the restrictions that are being placed upon licensed midwifes directly violates many women's rights to birth their children in the setting of their choice.

In a lot of cases, women that are seeking to birth at home are doing so because within the confines of the medical model, they would not be allowed to have the birth of their choice. Many women birth their children at home to avoid c-sections, interventions, and restrictions that they know are not necessary to have a healthy child and safe delivery.

Before this legislation passed, these women had the these women had the right to birth at home. And with the stroke of a pen that right was taken away. Risk factored out to appease lawmakers and the medical community.

And for what?

To give the midwives that supported the bill the opportunity to gain some sort of recognition. To finally stake their claim and provide validation. To make it legal to carry drugs that very rarely need to be used and that Traditional Midwives for all of time have never relied upon.

Supporters may interpret the bill as a way to make birthing at home safer.

Non-supporters may interpret the bill as violating women's rights and being overly restrictive.

My interpretation is that of violating women's rights to birth in the setting of their choice as well as reducing the options available to Idaho's families.

The bill states that:
1)(e)(ii), Idaho Code, the licensed
midwife shall provide written notice to the client that the client shall obtain care from
a physician licensed pursuant to chapter 18, title 54, Idaho Code,
as a condition to her eligibility to obtain maternity care from the licensed midwife.

Yes, interpretation is a very important part of our world today particularly concerning our laws. Before the Idaho Midwifery legislation was passed, women had the God given right to educate themselves, explore their options, and obtain maternity care from a midwife and give birth in the setting of their choice.

BUT, now women don't have that right....they have to meet eligibility requirements???

Freedoms being replaced by elegibility requirements.
What comes next?

I encourage everyone to take the time and read the bill for themselves. Get informed and stand up for what you believe in.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Why should you care?

It may seem to some who read about this "midwifery stuff" that it has nothing to do with them. Well, in fact it has a lot to do with every single citizen of Idaho, and here are some reasons why you should care:

If you are a defender of individual rights:
You should care because the individual liberties of women and families has been infringed upon by the passing of this bill.

If you are a homebirth advocate:
You should care because the current bill will change the practice of Midwifery in Idaho forever.

If you are a mother or father:
You should care because this bill limits the birthing options of your children. Future children will be born without the rights that were ours before this bill passed.

If you are a defender of religious freedom:
You should care because the current bill infringes upon the religious rights of women and families.

If you are a defender of FREEDOM:
You should care because your FREEDOM to make informed personal choice has been taken away. Your FREEDOM to choose what you feel is best for you and your baby has been "risk factored" out by this bill.

These are just a few reasons why you should care about this issue. Even if you have never been or will never be an advocate of homebirth, you should care that your neighbors rights are being taken away.

We live in such an amazing and wonderful country that was founded on a solid foundation. By our birthright we are FREE. But we must remember that FREEDOM came at a cost and it is our inherent resposibility to respect our FREEDOM.

It is important to remember that many people with different cultures, ethnic groups, religious groups, political views, belief systems, choose to birth at home. A lot of these people may disagree or downright oppose the views or lifestyle of another group. However, this one issue brings all of these different people to a common ground and all simply want the right to bring their children into this world in the place of their choice with the birth attendant of their choice.

Childbirth is a natural miracle that needs to be protected and cherished, not legislated and regulated.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bigger than you or me.

So far so of now 21 people have taken the poll at the bottom of this blog. I am so glad to see people taking this poll and sharing their opinions.

I have heard a lot of chatter about things that happened when the supporters of this bill were trying to get it passed. I don't in any way feel that those who opposed the bill were represented fairly, if at all. Quite frankly I am shocked at the number of people that I have spoken to or heard of that didn't make their opposition to this bill known for fear of reprisal from people that did support it, for fear of going against their current midwife's opinion or for fear of making waves with anyone.


I understand that some midwives supported this bill while other did not. It is very human and natural for someone to become upset if another person is contrary to their views, but that is what our country is founded on. If our fore fathers were afraid of offending one another, we wouldn't be where we are today. And we wouldn't have the freedom to do just that.

Now, in no way is this effort to repeal the midwifery bill a personal attack on anyone who supports the bill. We are open to clean, fair, content based discussion regarding this issue and will not take part in any personal bashing or degradation of any individual at any time.

So, for all of you that were afraid or unsure of voicing your true opinion about the midwifery bill, I openly invite and implore you to take action now.

A website is being built that will replace this blog. It will contain loads of great information and be a central hub for supporters of TRADITIONAL MIDWIFERY.

I would ask you to please, pass this information on so that all that wish to make their voices heard will have a chance to do so.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Preserving Traditional Midwifery

Welcome to the beginning of the advocacy group: Preserving Traditional Midwifery in Idaho.

For any of you that are not aware, House Bill 185 was passed into legislation in Idaho. The bill has made it mandatory for all Midwives in Idaho to be licensed. (This bill does not apply to Certified Nurse Midwives)

At first glance, the idea of Midwife licensure seems benign and sounds like it would be a good idea. But this is not the case. The bill in effect has put all but a select few of Idaho's Midwives out of business. This bill has also restricted the practice of Midwives in a way that has taken away the rights of Idaho's women and families to choose where and how they want to bring their children into this world.

Time and time again, the government passes laws and imposes restrictions and regulations all in the name of our safety. Yet, what people fail to realize is that, in the name of our own safety, our rights are slowly being taken away. By passing this bill, our Senators and Legislators are telling us that we are not responsible enough to make our own decisions when it comes to childbirth.

This bill affects each and every Idahoan. It will forever change the nature and availability of Traditional Midwifery in Idaho.

It is unfortunate that House Bill 185 passed and licensure, as of now, will be mandatory starting July 1, 2010. However, we are determined to make our voices heard and to repeal this bill, reclaim our rights, and Preserve Traditional Midwifery in Idaho.