Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bigger than you or me.

So far so of now 21 people have taken the poll at the bottom of this blog. I am so glad to see people taking this poll and sharing their opinions.

I have heard a lot of chatter about things that happened when the supporters of this bill were trying to get it passed. I don't in any way feel that those who opposed the bill were represented fairly, if at all. Quite frankly I am shocked at the number of people that I have spoken to or heard of that didn't make their opposition to this bill known for fear of reprisal from people that did support it, for fear of going against their current midwife's opinion or for fear of making waves with anyone.


I understand that some midwives supported this bill while other did not. It is very human and natural for someone to become upset if another person is contrary to their views, but that is what our country is founded on. If our fore fathers were afraid of offending one another, we wouldn't be where we are today. And we wouldn't have the freedom to do just that.

Now, in no way is this effort to repeal the midwifery bill a personal attack on anyone who supports the bill. We are open to clean, fair, content based discussion regarding this issue and will not take part in any personal bashing or degradation of any individual at any time.

So, for all of you that were afraid or unsure of voicing your true opinion about the midwifery bill, I openly invite and implore you to take action now.

A website is being built that will replace this blog. It will contain loads of great information and be a central hub for supporters of TRADITIONAL MIDWIFERY.

I would ask you to please, pass this information on so that all that wish to make their voices heard will have a chance to do so.

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